15 Email Marketing Mistakes Musicians Make

15 Email Marketing Mistakes Musicians Make Email marketing is direct, personal, and (relative to something like social advertising) affordable.  Plus, an email address is like someone’s online ID, so while fans might hop from social platform to platform, they’re likely to still have the same email addy for years and years. Which is why email is still the most effective […]

‘Top 5 Artists Tips’ — A New Video Series Created by CD Baby Musicians

‘Top 5 Artists Tips’ — A New Video Series Created by CD Baby Musicians One of the most valuable resources at CD Baby is our musician community. There are so many talented artists doing innovative work without the benefit of a big label’s budget and connections. These are independent artists who create great music, and then experiment with promo strategies […]

Top 10 Entertaining Things to Do Over Weekend in Ireland

The weekend is here, and it’s time to let loose and have some fun! Whether you’re a local or a tourist, Ireland has plenty of exciting activities to keep you entertained. From exploring historic landmarks to indulging in delicious cuisine, here are the top 10 entertaining things to do over the weekend in Ireland: Cliffs of Moher: With its stunning […]

Spotify’s Powerful New Tools to Grow Your Fanbase

Spotify’s Powerful New Tools to Grow Your Fanbase This week Spotify unveiled a bunch of features for musicians who want to reach new listeners and deepen the connection with their existing audience. You probably already know you can sell merch and list concert dates on your Spotify profile, or pitch your upcoming release to Spotify’s editorial team, but these newest […]

Announcing the DIY Musician VIP Experience in Nashville!

Announcing the DIY Musician VIP Experience in Nashville! For 2023, we’ve reimagined the DIY Musician Conference as an intimate VIP Experience in conjunction with the MusicBiz Conference in Nashville. This will give you unprecedented access to industry heavyweights and tastemakers at an affordable price! You can expect the same sense of indie community and innovative spirit as our DIY Musician […]

5 Things Musicians Should Leave Behind in 2023

5 Things Musicians Should Leave Behind in 2023 I talk to a lot of artists at gigs, at conferences, and online. Many are hard-working, clear-eyed, and creative. But whenever I hear an artist rationalize why they haven’t achieved a certain level of success, it often seems like they’re getting in their own way due to some outdated beliefs or faulty […]