Introducing Apple Music Classical

Introducing Apple Music Classical Classical music nerds rejoice: Apple Music Classical is here! Apple Music Classical is the new streaming app designed specifically for classical music. It’s sleek, user-friendly, and free with an Apple Music subscription. A new way to search for musical works Classical presents a unique challenge when it comes to finding the right music on streaming platforms: […]

Why Musicians Quit (and How to Avoid It)

Why Musicians Quit (and How to Avoid It) Pursuing a music career can be incredibly challenging. As an independent musician, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, frustrated, or embittered. The journey is full of ups and downs, and the road ahead looks like endless work. You might also have to deal with the opinions of well-meaning friends, family, industry insiders, or […]

How to Define Your Creative Identity

How to Define Your Creative Identity In a world where there is almost infinite musical choice and competition for attention, recording artists and musicians need to define themselves. This is where the concept of creative identity comes in. Creative identity is how you define yourself as an artist, how well you know yourself, and why you do what you do. […]