The 73 New Rock + Metal Tours Announced Last Month (December)

Oh so many tours! Which rock and metal bands will you be seeing in 2025? Continue reading…

31 Essential Rock + Metal Albums Turning 50 in 2025

It’s now a half century since these records first started blasting our earbuds. Let’s celebrate these records from 1975! Continue reading…

Songs 30 Huge Rock + Metal Bands Only Played Live One Time

Come see all the songs that these big rock and metal bands only played live once! Continue reading…

Biggest September Rock + Metal Releases By Year Since 1980

September is traditionally the month where the biggest releases of the year are issued. So what rock + metal albums have left their marks on the ninth month? Continue reading…

Rock Stars Celebrating Birthdays in October

Who’s blowing out the candles this month? Continue reading…