Get Ready to Shine: Spotify’s 2023 Wrapped Is Around the Corner!

The official Spotify for Artists blog has recently announced essential dates for its annual Wrapped event, and it’s time to get excited!

This yearly occasion witnesses millions of music enthusiasts from around the globe sharing the songs that defined their year and forming connections with the artists who provided their soundtracks. This year’s Wrapped is your golden opportunity to forge deeper connections with your most devoted fans and spread some joy.

Connecting Directly with Your Fanbase through Personal Videos

Spotify for Artists is urging artists to submit their videos by November 15th for inclusion in the 2023 Wrapped, dedicated to your most ardent supporters on Spotify. This is a unique chance to engage directly with those who have named you among their top artists of the year, as they eagerly open their Wrapped. It’s a fantastic time to share your gratitude, celebrate together, and spread positivity.

In under 30 seconds, convey your gratitude for their support in 2023. You can share a memorable moment, offer a sneak peek of what you’re currently working on, or simply express your appreciation for an incredible year. Let your creativity shine and bring smiles to your fans’ faces!

Some Key Tips:

  • Record your video in a vertical format, free from music, logos, graphics, or filters. Keep it simple and genuine.
  • Head to Spotify for Artists to upload the video, following the provided instructions and previewing your content.
  • Enhance the experience with subtitles and a captivating cover image to make your fans even happier.

Exclusive Merchandise Discounts for Your Superfans

Spotify revealed that last year’s Retrospective was the platform’s prime period for merchandise sales. In 2023, they’re taking things to a whole new level. For the first time, artists from the US and Canada have the privilege of expressing their gratitude to their most loyal fans by offering exclusive merchandise discounts on selected items, and it’s all about spreading the love!

Don’t forget to set up these special discounts by November 15th to ensure they are featured in the Retrospective. Your fans will be delighted to grab some exclusive goodies!

Here’s How to Get Started:

  1. Navigate to the “Merchandise” tab in Spotify for Artists.
  2. Click on “Special Offers.”
  3. Choose “Generate Discount.”
  4. Follow the provided setup instructions and imagine the smiles on your fans’ faces when they get special deals!
  5. Select “Retrospective” as your target audience.
  6. Specify the discount amount and spread the joy of savings.
  7. Define which items are applicable for the discount, and watch your fans celebrate.
  8. Review and program the discount, and get ready for happy fans!
  9. Your exclusive discounts are now ready for your most dedicated fans!

Prepare Your Merchandise Store for the Event

Even if you’re not offering discounts, preparing your merchandise store for the Retrospective is a straightforward process. Utilize the Shopify integration to introduce new, existing, or exclusive products on Spotify by November 15. Up to five items will be featured, starting with the most recent additions. These items will be actively promoted to your biggest fans through various channels, including email, spreading joy through your unique merchandise.

Highlights for Your Upcoming Shows

Let your fans know when and where they can join you in celebrating this incredible year. If your shows are listed on one of our partner sites, Spotify will proactively promote them to your most dedicated listeners during the Retrospective, making it a joyful experience for everyone.

Last but Not Least, Prepare Your Artist Profile

Ensure your artist profile is up-to-date with the latest information, playlists, and social media links. Get ready to receive all the love and appreciation from your fans during this exciting period, and let the positivity flow!

Spotify For Artist 2023 Wrapped: Get Ready!

Credits: Get Ready to Shine: Spotify’s 2023 Wrapped Is Around the Corner!