Musicians – Don’t be THIS person

Musicians – Don’t be THIS person As musicians, sometimes we can all get a little off-key with our etiquette. In Episode #341 of the DIY Musician Podcast, Chris and Cristina discuss some of the most outrageous and cringe-worthy behaviors they’ve ever encountered in the music biz, and a few embarrassing moments of their own. From sympathy seekers to entitled divas […]

How to Define Your Creative Identity

How to Define Your Creative Identity In a world where there is almost infinite musical choice and competition for attention, recording artists and musicians need to define themselves. This is where the concept of creative identity comes in. Creative identity is how you define yourself as an artist, how well you know yourself, and why you do what you do. […]

10 Bad Habits That Are Destroying Your Singing

10 Bad Habits That Are Destroying Your Singing Let’s be real here guys: singing takes commitment. No matter how dedicated you are, maintaining a good practice routine day in and day out is tough. It gets easier!  But doing it every day is the hard part. And over the course of your singing journey, some bad habits are bound to […]

Top 5 Tips for a Compelling Music Livestream

Top 5 Tips for a Compelling Music Livestream Celebrated independent songwriter and pro live-streamer Emma McGann shares her top five tips for delivering an engaging livestream. Here’s how to grow your audience and keep them coming back for more, every time you go live! 1. Encourage audience interaction The most important thing about livestreaming is audience interaction. Emma says: It’s […]

Breaking into Your Local Music Scene

Breaking into Your Local Music Scene Whether you’re new to music, new to town, or finally getting back out there after a long break, it can be really beneficial to make solid connections in your own hometown before you try to conquer the world. Want to build a loyal audience in your local scene? In this episode of the DIY […]

10 Music Videos You Should Be Making Right Now

10 Music Videos You Should Be Making Right Now BLACK FRIDAY DEAL: Get a free music video with CD Baby distribution (just $4.99) through December 4th. Details below! When you hear the term “music video,” do you think of a band playing along to a pre-recorded track? Or maybe an artist flanked by a dozen dancers? Or some complicated computer […]

Why Your Music Goals Aren’t Enough

Why Your Music Goals Aren’t Enough An obscure artist and a megastar may’ve had the same exact goal: To reach millions with their music. What separated the two? Their habits. One musician built a system where tiny daily wins compounded. The other kept dreaming of their goal, waiting for a big change to happen. Systems are more important than goals […]

How to Mic Acoustic Guitar

How to Mic Acoustic Guitar It can be tough to mic acoustic guitars when you’re recording. Every instrument is unique, every player is different, and not everyone agrees on how an acoustic guitar should even sound: Chimey & clear? Boomy & percussive? Dead & woody? For an instrument as orthodox as the acoustic guitar, there are still endless possibilities. Too […]